March 2021

March Community Service Hours: 10

Total Community Service Hours: 12

March has been a pretty eventful month to say the least! We ended February leading up to the last Medical Pharmacology test. It covered the Psych module which I found the most interesting of this semester, maybe even of the whole program. Being someone who has close friends and family members which mental illness such as bipolar, depression, and anxiety this module helped me understand it a lot more. I also really enjoyed learning about the history of the FDA and how the regulations have evolved. 

Like I said last month, endocrine pharmacology is still the class that I look forward to the most. The discussion posts aren't so bad, and I am always learning a lot about my classmates through their interpretations of the chapters. The presentations are getting better and better each week and I always find myself completely captivated by the topics being presented on. This month we covered how stress effects pain, memory and immunity. I think I have retained more information in this class than the others because of the way it is set up. The discussions, presentations and short quizzes are very helpful learning tools. I also think it helps that the class focuses on stress during a time where everyone is more stressed than ever due to the program and COVID. The thing that surprised me the most was that stress can have an effect on memory. I already knew it could effect pain and immunity, but never memory. When it comes to the Advances and Neuropharm, I have not done a presentation yet so next month I will be presenting every single week. Wish me luck!

This whole month I have been preparing for the Med Pharm final exam, but I still feel like I am no where near ready. However, I am just gonna pray I do well enough to make it through without having a panic attack lol *fingers crossed*.  Also, I started a new job this month at an elementary school. I absolutely love working with the kids and I am looking forward to doing another book drive to add to the library and get students more interesting in reading. As far as community service goes, I started volunteering at the after school tutoring. One thing is for sure, if med school doesn't pan out, I can always fall back on teaching. 

Overall, although I've enjoyed the classes, I am completely tapped out and more than ready for graduation and a vacation. Speaking of graduation, this week we found out that we will be able to have an in person graduation! This might have been the best news of the semester. I'm excited to see what next month will bring!


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