
Showing posts from March, 2021

March 2021

March Community Service Hours: 10 Total Community Service Hours: 12 March has been a pretty eventful month to say the least! We ended February leading up to the last Medical Pharmacology test. It covered the Psych module which I found the most interesting of this semester, maybe even of the whole program. Being someone who has close friends and family members which mental illness such as bipolar, depression, and anxiety this module helped me understand it a lot more. I also really enjoyed learning about the history of the FDA and how the regulations have evolved.  Like I said last month, endocrine pharmacology is still the class that I look forward to the most. The discussion posts aren't so bad, and I am always learning a lot about my classmates through their interpretations of the chapters. The presentations are getting better and better each week and I always find myself completely captivated by the topics being presented on. This month we covered how stress effects pain, memory...


Community Service Hours: 2  This past month has flown by! Our second module this semester was very interesting. I can't say that I had a favorite topic because they were all so intriguing. I think I learned the most from the anesthetics lectures. However, anti-epileptics was a close 2nd. Of the classes, endocrine pharmacology is still the class that I look forward to the most. The discussion posts are growing on me to be honest. My classmates always have extremely insightful opinions and stories. The presentations are always very informative and connected to current and relatable issues. My favorite presentation so far was last week's on stress and reproduction. They covered the disparity seen in mortality rates of black women during child birth. I have always known that black women are more likely to die during labor however, seeing the facts and figures made racism in the healthcare system much more evident. This is a big factor in my decision to go into medicine. We are now ...